International affiliations
Forrester Boyd is an Affiliate member of AGN International, a global association of separate and independent accounting and advisory businesses. Our AGN affiliate membership gives us direct access to practical business advice globally, within a structure of trusted relationships.
The mission of AGN is to enable its members and affiliates to support businesses and individuals with high standards, straight forward and practical business advice with local commercial know-how, wherever the need arises worldwide.
This means that should you need accountancy advice and support across geographical boundaries, we have access to a network of trusted advisors who can help.
Visit the AGN website to learn all about our global association.
AGN International Ltd (and its regional entities; together "AGN") is a not-for-profit worldwide membership association of separate and independent accounting and advisory businesses. AGN does not provide services to the clients of its Members or Affiliate Members, which are provided by those Members alone. AGN and its Members and Affiliate Members are not in partnership together, they are neither agents of nor obligate one another, and they are not responsible or liable for each other's services, actions or inactions.